A question on #LifePeers tabled by Lord Bradshaw on 04-09-2024 has been answered by Baroness Twycross.

Heading: Life Peers
Question ID: 1727459
UIN: HL736
House: Lords
Date tabled: 2024-09-04
Asking Member ID: 2483
Asking Member display name: Lord Bradshaw
Asking Member handle:
Asking Member Twitter reference: Lord Bradshaw
Member interest: false
Question text: To ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have to revise the factors they take into account when considering the suitability of individuals to be nominated for a life peerage.
Is named day: false
Date of holding answer:
Date answered: 2024-09-18
Date answer corrected:
Is holding answer: false
Is correcting answer: false
Answering Member ID: 4966
Answering Member display name: Baroness Twycross
Answering Member handle:
Answering Member Twitter reference: Baroness Twycross
Correcting Member ID:
Correcting Member display name:
Correcting Member handle:
Correcting Member Twitter reference:
Answer text: The Government committed in its manifesto to reform the process of appointments to the House of Lords to ensure the quality of new appointments and to seek to improve the national and regional balance of the second chamber and is actively considering how ...
Original answer text:
Comparable answer text:
Answering body ID: 53
Answering body name: Cabinet Office
Tweeted: true